Showing posts with label mozilla firefox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mozilla firefox. Show all posts

Friday, 10 August 2012

0 5 Must Have Extensions for Firefox

Hello there! Today, I'm delivering you a list of extensions which you must have if you are using Firefox. Without these extensions, you're surely missing out on what Firefox completely has to offer.

Firefox Logo

1) FastestFox : FastestFox is possibly the best overall extension you can have for Firefox. It comes with many features such as endless pages, (when you scroll down in Google, you don't have to click next page anymore, it comes automatically) qLauncher (When you tap Ctrl + Space, it gives you a list of sites which can quickly access to much like speed dial in a phone), information about highlighted text (when you highlight a text, you get options such as searching that text in Wikipedia etc.) and many more things such as fast copying & pasting. With FastestFox, you gain a lot of extra time since it gives you shortcuts for nearly anything.

Fastestfox quick view

2) DownThemAll! : An integrated download manager for Firefox which allows you to pause & resume downloads, accelerates them compared to Firefox's default downloader, and gives you the option to download every single image and link on a webpage just with one click if you wish. (which I think is the most useful feature of this extension) A must have in everyone's Firefox kit, even if you aren't too much into downloading. You never know if you one day decide to save all pictures on a website or something similar.

3) StumbleUpon : Rather than a useful tool like the others listed, this one is rather to have fun. It's the extension for the website (Where you get a random website to check if you click the Stumble button for those who aren't familiar), where you can start "Stumbling" without going to the website. (provided that you are logged in) As a dedicated stumbler, I keep this extension in my Firefox arsenal.

Stumbleupon toolbar

4) Web Developer : Web developers know how much this tool means to them, but even if you aren't a web developer, this extension comes with pretty handy stuff to speed your Firefox experience up. It allows you to disable many things in a quick fashion such as your cache, JavaScript, Java, proxies, page colors, cookies, images, and many more things that you don't want to use at that particular time. With this tool, you won't have to disable the things from Firefox options just for one time and waste your time with this cycle of disabling and re-enabling.

Web Developer for Firefox

5) Copy Plain Text 2 : For all the regular copy pasters out there, don't you hate it when you need to copy something in your document and it comes with all the fancy background colors, bold texts and stuff like that? Well, Copy Plain Text 2 is your friend on this one. Simply click "Copy as Plain Text" when you are about to copy something (if you have the extension of course), and this handy little tool with get rid of the things that you don't want to see in your document when you copy!


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