Tuesday, 4 December 2012

0 Hard Drive Repair Software

Hello there everyone! Today, our subject is something which has really troubled me in the past, repairing my damaged hard drive. It was the days didn't know so much about this stuff so it took me a while to figure out, and there wasn't so much information in the internet about it. That's the reason I felt like sharing this with you guys today.

There are many different hard drive repair software, also known as hard drive diagnostic software which can help you recover your hard drive. These software vary depending on the brand of your hard drive, so it's important that you choose the right one. Above is a list for the repair utilities of the brands I can think of right now.

Seagate SeaTools for Seagate & Maxtor hard drives (Available for Windows & DOS)

Hutil for Samsung hard drives (Available for DOS)

Western Digital Diagnostic Tools (Available for DOS)

Note : For the tools which are available for DOS only, you're required to burn them to a CD, since they will only work on boot. It's also recommended that you use this method rather than the Windows one as it is more effective.

I remember the time when I couldn't format my Seagate hard drive anymore, and I just happened to find a SeaTools disc which I've gotten out of a magazine by luck. It was the last thing I tried before I threw my hard drive away, and was quite shocked to see that it actually fixed my hard drive. I believe it was a MBR issue now when I think about it. (which I had no clue about at the time, so format not working scared me a lot)

Keep in mind that these software are capable of erasing/writing data on your hard drive as well as reading, so it's not recommended that you use these if you have any data which you can't afford losing at the time. You should back your data up before using any of these.

The working principle of these software is quite simple. It attempts to read all of your hard drive to start with to see if there are any bad sectors which interrupt data flow. The master boot record is also checked as there are master boot record viruses which can't be removed by ordinary format. (Low-level formatting is required for those who are interested) If the software detects anything unusual, it will report back to you so you can decide what to do. Nowadays, all the hard drive repair software are implemented with low-level formatting tools, so you can solve your problems right on the spot. Bad sectors however, are physical errors on your hard drives and there isn't much you can do about them.

All in all, make sure you run hard drive repair software on your hard drives to see what's wrong with them before throwing them away right off the bat. There's always a chance that these tools will save your life!


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